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            Technology of Preparing High Quality Boric Acid By
            [hits:3280] [author:admin] [date:2012-04-28]

            I. Process Introduction

            Mix szaibelyite ore powder with boric acid mother liquid and react with sulfuric acid in reaction tank, achieve mixed solution of boric acid and magnesium sulfate through filtration, then achieve industrial boric acid through cooling, crystallization, separation, washing, dehydrating, drying and packaging. Make boric acid mother liquid react with reactant, achieve new-type ammonium magnesium compound fertilizer - ammonium sulfate magnesium through cooling, crystallization, separation, washing and packaging. It is also feasible to purify boric acid mother liquid and magnesium sulfate heptahydrate and use it to prepare high value-added magnesium salt. Boric acid product has pure white appearance, uniform granularity and quality indicator in conformity with the standard of products of the same category in Turkey. Ammonium sulfate magnesium contains nitrogen 8%, elemental magnesium 6.6%, and elemental boron 1%, which is high quality fast-thawing new-type compound fertilizer.

            II. Technical Advancement

            Proprietary technology. It has been a blank technology that uses single-step method, which takes sulfuric acid as decomposition agent, to dispose salt lake type boron ore and directly produce high quality boric acid with product quality in conformity with international standard. This process aims at leading edge production technology of international boric acid, thoroughly solving the problems of low yield and poor quality when using single-step method to dispose szaibelyite ore and prepare boric acid, and occupying domestic leading position in decolorization, purification, boron magnesium separation, quality control and cost control. Product quality (from appearance to internal quality) can reach the standard of products of the same category in Turkey. Byproducts are high quality nitrogen, magnesium and boron agricultural compound fertilizer. The additional value is higher than that of magnesium sulfate heptahydrate, and the expected market price is above 1,500 Yuan/t.

            III. Market Prospect

            Chinese total annual demand of boric acid is above 300,000t. Total capacity of domestic production can reach 300,000t, but actual output in 2009 was only 130,000t. Because of constraint of technical conditions and product quality, its application is limited in solar energy, medicine glass, fine boride, boron-containing new material and other fields, and 60% of domestic high-end market is controlled by the products of American, Turkey and Russia. At present, the market price of imported high quality boric acid is 300-400 Yuan/t higher than factory price of domestic industrial grade boric acid. Therefore, development of high quality boric acid production is in conformity with the market demand. In addition, although magnesium sulfate heptahydrate has been greatly applied in agricultural field in recent years, because of its single content and relatively low price, the present market price is within 400-600 Yuan/t. Successful preparation of ammonium magnesium sulfate compound fertilizer will enable nutrient content of magnesium sulfate to be diversified. The market prospect is broad.

            IV. Technical Sources

            Autonomous research and development, and industrialization has been realized.

            V. Product Quality

            Boric acid: is in conformity with the standard of products of the same category in Turkey. 



            Boric acid       ≥


            Water insoluble    ≤


            Sulfate      ≤


            Chloride      ≤


               Iron       ≤


            Note: Sulfate content in the product is 50% lower than international premium grade product, and iron content is 20% lower than international premium grade product.

            VI. Equipment Investment

            5000t/a is 3 million Yuan (not containing mother liquid comprehensive utilization project), and the scale can be determined according to the actual situation.

            VII. Environmental Protection 

            Comprehensive utilization of boric sludge and mother liquid does not discharge waste residue, effluent or exhaust gas.

            IX. Form of Cooperation and Service Method: 

            Technical transfer. Taking responsibility for process flow design, supporting equipment of standard equipment, non-standard equipment manufacture design, equipment is plane layout design, equipment installation design, pipe network design, equipment installation guidance, equipment commissioning, production commissioning, training for production engineers, analysis staff and technicians, process operation specifications, raw material and product analysis method, and preparation of intermediate control analysis method; ensuring output, yield and quality to reach the standard; and undertaking turn-key projects.


            Xiao Jingbo:?Famous boron and magnesium compound expert, deputy chief of Boride Expert Group, Inorganic Acid, Alkali and Sodium Professional Committee, Chemical Industry and Engineering Society, associate editor of Boron Compound Production and Application, and winner of Chinese Boron Industry New ...

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