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            Sodium Perborate Production Technology
            [hits:2089] [author:admin] [date:2012-04-28]

            I. Process Introduction

            This process takes borax decahydrate, sodium hydroxide and hydrogen peroxide as raw material. Production processes include sodium metaborate (solution) preparation, addition reaction, separation, washing, dehydrating, drying and packaging procedures. First dissolve and filter borax decahydrate, then react with sodium hydroxide, transform borax decahydrate into sodium metaborate, then react with hydrogen peroxide to generate sodium perborate crystal, then produce finished product through drying and packaging.

            II. Technical Advancement

            This process is mature sodium perborate production technology.

            III. Market Prospect

            It is widely applied in printing and dyeing industry as oxidant, mordant and bleaching degreaser; in daily chemical industry it is used as oxidant of cold wave lotion and hair dye, washing agent or addictive of washing powder; in medicine it is used as disinfectant, bactericide and deodorant; in chemical industry it can be used as substitute of hydrogen peroxide and polymerizer of organic synthesis. The market prospect is considerable.

            IV. Technical Sources

            Autonomous research and development, this technology has been industrialized in Shandong in 2003.

            V. Product Quality

            It is in conformity with international GB1623-79 product quality standard. Sodium perborate: ≥97%, iron: ≤0.003%, and stability: ≥90%.

            VI. Investment Scale

            According to annual production of 1000t sodium perborate, equipment investment is 800,000 Yuan. The scale can be determined according to the actual situation.

            VII. Environmental Protection 

            No “three wastes” discharge.

            VIII. Economic Benefits

            Comprehensive cost of product/t is 3,550 Yuan, and factory price is above 4800 Yuan/t.

            IX. Form of Cooperation

            Technical transfer. Taking responsibility for process flow design, supporting equipment of standard equipment, non-standard equipment manufacture design, equipment is plane layout design, equipment installation design, pipe network design, equipment installation guidance, equipment commissioning, production commissioning, training for production engineers, analysis staff and technicians, process operation specifications, raw material and product analysis method, and preparation of intermediate control analysis method; ensuring output, yield and quality to reach the standard; and undertaking turn-key projects.


            Xiao Jingbo:?Famous boron and magnesium compound expert, deputy chief of Boride Expert Group, Inorganic Acid, Alkali and Sodium Professional Committee, Chemical Industry and Engineering Society, associate editor of Boron Compound Production and Application, and winner of Chinese Boron Industry New ...

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