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            Preparing High-purity Magnesium Oxide with Magnesi
            [hits:3784] [author:admin] [date:2012-04-28]

            I. Process Introduction

            Applicable raw material of this process is magnesium chloride, magnesium sulfate (boron magnesium fertilizer), brine, and mother liquid of boric acid produced with boron and magnesium mineral as raw material and single-step method. The process is to dissolve, purify and precipitate the above raw material, take liquid supernatant to react with precipitant, generate basic magnesium carbonate or magnesium hydroxide precipitation, then produce basic magnesium carbonate or magnesium hydroxide wet cake through rinsing, dehydrating. According to different product varieties, under different temperature conditions, produce different varieties of high-purity magnesium oxide products through heat treatment. Mother liquid generated from the process reacts with hydroxide or oxide of alkaline-earth metal, volatilize ammonia, react with carbon dioxide from magnesium oxide calcination procedure through absorption, and produce ammonium carbonate solution.

            II. Technical Advancement

            Magnesium conversion rate is above 85%, and product is main content is within 98.6%-99.4%. Product quality is in conformity with the requirements of medical (food), electronics, electrician, metallurgy, aerospace, high molecular and other fields.

            III. Market Prospect

            Magnesium oxide is important inorganic chemical product, which is widely applied in rubber, medicine, food, electronic, refractory material, metallurgy, national defence, aerospace, chemical industry, environmental protection and other fields, playing a very important role in the construction of national economy. In recent years, domestic and foreign market has growing demand for magnesium oxide, appearing the situation of demand exceeding supply. The market prospect is very broad.

            IV. Technical Sources

            Autonomous research and development, and industrialization has been realized in Shandong, Qinghai and other places.

            V. Product Quality

            Table 1: 

            Indicator Name


            Indicator Name




            Sulfate/%      ≤


            CaO/%       ≤


            Fe/%          ≤


            Insoluble matter in acid/%   ≤


            Heavy metal (Pb) ppm≤


            Cl-/%        ≤


            Bulk density g/ml

            0.25 -0.6

            Table 2: 

            Indicator Name


            Indicator Name




            Sulfate/%      ≤


            CaO/%      ≤


            Fe/%          ≤


            Insoluble matter in acid/%  ≤


            Heavy metal (Pb) ppm≤


            Cl-/%       ≤


            Bulk density g/ml


            VI. Investment Scale

            According to annual production of high-purity magnesium oxide 1000t, equipment investment is 3.5 million Yuan.

            VII. Environmental Protection 

            Traditional magnesium carbonate synthesis process. Production process will generate a good deal of ammonia-containing waste water, causing environmental pollution, which has become the burden of production enterprises. Shandong Qingzhou Hongji Chemical Industry Co., Ltd. was forced to stop production in 2006 because mother liquid discharge caused environmental pollution. In order to solve this problem, this process is supported with comprehensive utilization technology and device of magnesium carbonate mother liquid. The mother liquid and washing water generated during production is used in recovery of ammonia (ammonia water) for cycle use, thoroughly eliminating environmental pollution caused by mother liquid and washing water discharge. 

            In addition, calcine basic magnesium carbonate into magnesium oxide, a good deal of carbon dioxide gas discharge during the process, this is not allowed in the current environmental protection policy. In order to solve this problem, this process also developed the matched carbon dioxide recovery process, and made carbon dioxide react with the recovered ammonia water, transformed into ammonium carbonate solution, and recycle in precipitation reaction of basic magnesium carbonate.

            VIII. Economic Benefits

            Product production cost is about 6,500 Yuan/T, factory price is 12,000-30,000 Yuan/T, having high additional value, extremely big profit space and significant economic benefits.

            IX. Form of Cooperation

            Technical transfer. Taking responsibility for process flow design, supporting equipment of standard equipment, non-standard equipment manufacture design, equipment is plane layout design, equipment installation design, pipe network design, equipment installation guidance, equipment commissioning, production commissioning, training for production engineers, analysis staff and technicians, process operation specifications, raw material and product analysis method, and preparation of intermediate control analysis method; ensuring output, yield and quality to reach the standard; and undertaking turn-key projects.


            Xiao Jingbo:?Famous boron and magnesium compound expert, deputy chief of Boride Expert Group, Inorganic Acid, Alkali and Sodium Professional Committee, Chemical Industry and Engineering Society, associate editor of Boron Compound Production and Application, and winner of Chinese Boron Industry New ...

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