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            Preparing Magnesium Stearate with Double Decomposi
            [hits:2147] [author:admin] [date:2012-04-28]

            1. Property: 

            Magnesium stearate is also known as octadecanoic acid, having molecular formula C36H70O4Mg and relative molecular mass 591.24. The appearance is white delicate bright powder, glossy, odorless and tasteless, density 1.028g/cm3, non-toxic, incombustible, insoluble in water, soluble in hot ethanol, resolved when meeting dilute acid, containing magnesium 4.11% and stearic acid 95.90%. The purity is higher than 99%, and the melting point is 108-115℃.

            2. Purpose: 

            Magnesium stearate is mainly used as lubricant, antisticking agent and glidant, especially suitable for pelletization of oil and extract medicine. The made-up particles have excellent flowability and compressibility, which is used as glidant during direct tablet compression, and can also used as filter aid, clarifying agent, dripping agent, and suspending agent and thickening agent of liquid preparation. Product quality shall be in conformity with 2005 Quality Standard and Food Addictive Application Hygiene Standard of Pharmacopoeia of the Peoples Republic of China. In pharmacy and food industries, it is mainly used in coating agent for food, emulsifier, anticaking agent and tablet mould release agent. In paint industry it is used as paint and coating pigment drier. In domestic chemical industry it is used to manufacture face powder, cosmetics, paint and coating drying agent and transparent flatting agent. In plastics and rubber industry it is used as excellent lubricating, dispersing and stabilizing addictive for plastics and rubber. In addition, it is used to make bakelite lubricative, bright and transparent.

            3. Production principle: 

            After saponification of stearic acid, produce sodium stearate, then react with soluble magnesium salt to produce magnesium stearate. The process procedures include batching, saponification, reaction, stewing separation, washing, drying and packaging.

            4. Product quality: 

            Standard of 2010 Pharmacopoeia of the Peoples Republic of China shall be implemented. Enterprise Standard shall be implemented for industrial grade products.

            5. Consumption of raw material of product per ton: 

            Stearic acid: 965kg; 

            Caustic soda liquid: 460kg;  

            Epsomite: 210kg.

            6. Main production equipment: 

            Industrial steam boiler, distributing chute, saponifying still, decomposer, scrubber, centrifugal machine, drying machine, packer, etc.

            7. Equipment investment: 

            1000t capacity investment is RMB 1.6 million.

            8. Technical Condition: 

            Mature industrialization technology. Industrialization has been realized.

            9. Technical service method: 

            Technical transfer. Taking responsibility for process flow design, supporting equipment of standard equipment, non-standard equipment manufacture design, equipment is plane layout design, equipment installation design, pipe network design, equipment installation guidance, equipment commissioning, production commissioning, training for production engineers, analysis staff and technicians, process operation specifications, raw material and product analysis method, and preparation of intermediate control analysis method; ensuring output, yield and quality to reach the standard; and undertaking turn-key projects.


            Xiao Jingbo:?Famous boron and magnesium compound expert, deputy chief of Boride Expert Group, Inorganic Acid, Alkali and Sodium Professional Committee, Chemical Industry and Engineering Society, associate editor of Boron Compound Production and Application, and winner of Chinese Boron Industry New ...

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