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            Magnesium Fluoride Production Technology
            [hits:2340] [author:admin] [date:2012-04-28]

            Magnesium fluoride has molecular formula MgF2, relative molecular mass 62.30, colorless tetragonal crystal or white powder, rutile crystal lattice, melting point 1534K, and boiling point 2502K, which is soluble in nitric acid, slightly soluble in dilute acid, hardly soluble in water and alcohol (water solubility: 291K, 87mg/100gH20). It appears weak purple fluorescence when it is heated under electric light. Its crystal has good polarization effect, especially suitable for ultraviolet rays and infrared rays. It can be used to store glass utensils Magnesium fluoride is often used for manufacturing ceramics and glass, smelting flux of magnesium metal, addictive of electrolytic aluminium, coating of lens and light filter of optical instrument, and also used as fluorescent material of cathode radial screen,reflection agent of optical lens and coating agent of titanium paint.
            The production methods of this process are magnesium carbonate method and magnesium hydroxide method. However, magnesium carbonate method takes magnesite as raw material, and product purity is not high, so it is suggested to use magnesium hydroxide method to prepare magnesium fluoride.

            Magnesium hydroxide method takes brine or other soluble magnesium salt solution as raw material. Through reaction with ammonia, first produce magnesium hydroxide, then make magnesium hydroxide react with hydrofluoric acid to produce magnesium fluoride product. The process procedures include: brine (or soluble magnesium salt solution) purification, precipitation reaction, separated washing, neutralization reaction, separated washing, and drying and pulverizing. It is also allowed to make soluble magnesium salt solution or brine react with ammonium bicarbonate or soda ash. First producebasic magnesium carbonate, and then react with hydrofluoric acid to produce magnesium fluoride.
            Economic benefits: At present, high-purity magnesium fluoride and electrolytic addictive magnesium fluoride is sold at over 12,000 Yuan/T in the market, production cost is less than 7000 Yuan/T, and the economic benefits are considerable.

            Main production equipment: brine or soluble magnesium salt solution purification system, filter, magnesium hydroxide (or magnesium carbonate) precipitated still, rinsing system, neutralizing still, transformed still, centrifugal machine, drying machine, pulverizer, etc.

            Technical service method: Technical transfer. Taking responsibility for process flow design, supporting equipment of standard equipment, non-standard equipment manufacture design, equipment is plane layout design, equipment installation design, pipe network design, equipment installation guidance, equipment commissioning, production commissioning, training for production engineers, analysis staff and technicians, process operation specifications, raw material and product analysis method, andpreparation of intermediate control analysis method; ensuring output, yieldand quality to reach the standard; and undertaking turn-key projects.


            Xiao Jingbo:?Famous boron and magnesium compound expert, deputy chief of Boride Expert Group, Inorganic Acid, Alkali and Sodium Professional Committee, Chemical Industry and Engineering Society, associate editor of Boron Compound Production and Application, and winner of Chinese Boron Industry New ...

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